Twitter Allows Tweets Longer Than 140 Characters (By Accident)

If you’re crafty, you can now publish a tweet longer than 140 characters. It’s not a feature but rather a bug of course, so don’t expect it to be possible for much longer.

We first read about the bug in the Twitter Development Talk Google Group, where forum user Chris White posted a step-by-step of how to make it happen. He wrote that you go directly to the Twitter Share URL ( in theFirefox web browser and put your tweet’s text after “url=” — for example, “ is a test of the Twitter 140 character bug.”
The result is a tweet box with a shortened link (that’s Twitter’s URL shortener). Then you can just click the tweet button and the full-length tweet will go out on your account. It will display properly on Twitter’s website, but many third-party web, desktop or mobile apps will fail to show the whole message.
Twitter user TenhoMania published a tweet that included the entire first chapter of the book of Genesis from the Hebrew Bible — not a wholly original idea at this point, but special for its 3,000+ character length, at least. That and several other lengthy tweets have been retweeted numerous times.
Twitter employee John Adams posted a thanks to Chris White on Google Groups for exposing the bug, and said “I filed a bug with our webclient team,” so a fix is sure to come in the very near future.
Update: Twitter just fixed it. Tweets now display properly or not at all.

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